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New Year's Reflections and Renewing Our Intentions for 2024

I hope you are doing well and enjoying happy times with those you love.

Thank you all for another year together on this journey!

As we approach the end of the year, it's a natural time to reflect on our lives and experiences. For those of us on a self-care journey, this reflection can be an opportunity to appreciate how far we've come, acknowledge our strengths and vulnerabilities, and set intentions for the year ahead.

So to reiterate what Krishnamurti describes above, when we embrace who we truly are, we open ourselves up to the possibilities of deeper transformation.

To support us all In our day-to-day affairs as well as our larger life journey, the sage Lao The offers us these thoughts:

“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.”Lao Tze from the Tao te Ching, aphorism 67 from Keystrokes from Kimberly

With compassion and self-acceptance at the foundation, I hope you have a great new year finding what helps you meet and overcome obstacles and challenges in your journey toward your best life.

Enjoy this time of reflection as an opportunity to re-commit to this work with yourself symbolically by setting affirming and exciting intentions and resolutions. and practically through the things we do through habit and practice that support ourselves and loved ones and serve the world.

I hope that participation in Yoga, meditation, and the healing arts can be the foundation of your journey toward healing your body, mending your mind, and enjoying your life more fully.

Thank you for being a part of our community. I hope to see you soon in our next class or event. We are wishing you a happy and healthy new year!




*Please remain aware that when practicing any Yoga, movement, and/or meditation techniques, you accept responsibility for all you do. Consult your doctor or mental health professional and work in accordance with your medical needs and limitations. Read this full disclaimer for more information. I encourage you to seek out instruction and guidance from a teacher as you need answer any questions and to ensure the most positive experience.