Corporate And Worksite Classes & Seminars

Corporate and Worksite Yoga Classes and Seminars

Happy, healthy, and motivated employees are just a stretch away, thanks to my corporate yoga programs. I provide a number of solutions for your employees to enjoy simple, safe, and practical yoga techniques that quickly reduce tension and stress while addressing a wide variety of work and non-work-related conditions. Yoga is a scientific discipline that offers definitive results, such as:

  • Increase in strength and flexibility for greater stress resistance
  • Improvement in posture for resolution of chronic pain for repetitive stress injuries and a host of other causes
  • Reduction of mental fatigue and generation of energy
  • Improvement of concentration and productivity
  • Integrating simple lifestyle principles and practices that can meaningfully improve the quality of work and personal life

Creative Edge Yoga, LLC also offers a unique, customized, non-medical movement–based program for individuals to restore bodily balance and functioning that helps in the resolution of many causes of chronic pain. This program, derived from yoga and from my training in the Egoscue Method® clinic for postural therapy, incorporates posture analysis and a systematic set of prescribed exercises for each individual to restore function and strength. The Egoscue Method® is renowned for its impact on chronic pain conditions such as repetitive stress injuries, migraines, back pain, sciatica, bursitis, tendonitis, and much more. providing your employees with yoga classes only adds to your bottom line… by increasing employee morale and productivity and by decreasing absenteeism. Plus, it’s so very easy. I come to you with all the necessary tools. All you provide is the space!

Office in-services, seminars, and workshops on the applications of yoga meditation and therapeutic movement can be a great way to introduce employees to lifestyle solutions to the stressors and problems inherent in working life today.

Join the growing number of corporations embracing workplace yoga classes as a cost-effective employee retention strategy. Please call Alan at 203-488-1700 to find out how your business can thrive with Creative Edge Yoga!