
I Am So Grateful!

I have had the pleasure of knowing Alan Franzi for many many years. Now at 71,it is clear that my health and well being relates back to the practice of yoga and being a student of his teachings.

Alan is a master teacher, not only of yoga but more recently of somatic practice and pain relief.

I have noticed significant improvements in my flexibility, strength, and overall sense of calm. I suffered for many years with chronic pain and anxiety. Alan has guided my practice and helped me connect with my body, thus deepening my connection to self while reducing stress.

Since the age of twenty something, I have been a proponent of self care and wellness. Yoga has literally saved my life.

There is no one better as a teacher, Alan possesses compassion, dedication and communication. I learn something new with every lesson.

I am so grateful!

Maryann T RN, BA,CDp, CCM


The last few years were proving to be those of challenge. I have always been a very active person and loved to play tennis. However, it was getting to be very frustrating as when tennis season came around, I was unable to play for some reason. First, it was plantar fasciitis. I got that resolved on my own and the frozen shoulder came along and I was out the season again. The next one was knee pain. I was facing another season of not being able to play, again!

I decided to talk with Alan to decide if there was anything he could do for me. I was afraid they {the doctors} would have told me I needed to have a knee replacement. I started Alan’s direction last June and am very glad I decided to take the plunge. I have been following his exercise menus and am feeling better than ever. I can do stairs, play tennis and generally move better than I have been able to in years. I can see and feel my posture improving and I am actually standing taller and straighter.

I highly recommend Alan. He is very dedicated and knowledgeable in his field.

Sandy T., Branford, Ct.


Incorporating Somatics into my (daily) practice has given me a whole new insight on many levels into where I am unknowingly holding tension with constantly contracted muscles. Instead of trying harder it is releasing and letting go. And letting go is so satisfying. Now we are safely doing it through Zoom and it is just as rewarding as doing it in person.

Betty H


I had wanted to take Yoga classes for a very long time. Most classes that I tried were not for me. They felt competitive, not enough guidance, too many people…..Alan is an excellent instructor, and is very careful that you work within your own capabilities, it’s not about the “best pose”. I am in my 60’s and really love his somatic class on Sunday mornings. He works on a lot of internal adjustments helping your skeletal and muscles remember how to work together. My balance and posture has improved and I feel much stronger.

I started with his in person classes and then he switched to on-line classes since COVID. It feels like a one on one class since the screen is set on Alan and it is easy for him to demonstrate.

He has many classes to choose from. I am now taking two classes a week and am grateful for the structure. If you tend to be shy or worried about injuring yourself, this is the perfect time to try a class on-line from the comfort of your own home. Alan will take great care of you!

DH Branford, CT


My journey towards living a pain free life began in January 2019. I was experiencing neck, shoulder, lower back and hip pain for about 6 months before I decided to quit ignoring it or wishfully thinking it would all just go away over time. I did some research and found Alan Franzi, Creative Edge Yoga and decided this was the right path for me. When I first met Alan, we talked about my specific issues and goals.He introduced me to Pete Egoscue’s book on living pain free. This was the first time that I fully understood the mind body connection between living a pain free life. After evaluating my posture and discussing my symptoms, Alan got me on an exercise routine that has made a world of difference in not only in my posture, but how I feel today. Through his guidance, I have become much more in tune with my body and if I am in pain, what I need to do to improve. When I first started this journey, Alan took a series of photos of my overall posture and another series a couple of months later.The difference was so shocking that I actually cried! As I progressed, the exercise menus changed and I am able to do things today that a year ago were nearly impossible for me to do.

Susan C., Guilford, CT


It is said that if one finds something amazing, bottle it. Alan Franzi’s yoga classes may be just that. Who does not want to improve on their physical, spiritual, and emotional health? Alan guides us to our own self-realization of posture, mood, and energy. One week, we may be bursting to be the first to answer “Any requests today?” Another week, we may get assists to help us get our upper back position just right during downward dog by Alan’s masterful hands. And each week, we emerge from class incrementally healthier. I just wish I could remember all the positions, all the movements, and all the words of encouragement every day. Thank you, Alan. We continue to strive to think, act, and create Peace.

Steve B, Woodbridge, CT


After years of running for fun and working a desk job, I found myself in my early 40’s having worn orthotics for 20 years, with increasing knee pain, increasing lower back pain, a persistent knot in the back of my neck, and tingling and occasional numbness in my fingers. Doctors wanted to do a knee replacement. Then I found Alan Franzi and the Egoscue based postural therapy he presented to me.

That was eight years ago. I don’t wear orthotics anymore. I’ve run a marathon and multiple half-marathons since. My knee pain is gone. My back pain is gone. The persistent knot in the back of my neck is gone, as is the numbness and tingling in my hands. And I never had that knee replacement.

What Alan was able to teach me about my own body by just observing me walk across the floor was amazing in itself. That he was then able to lay out a plan for me to fix the alignment issues that were the cause of my ailments was just short of miraculous. And all of those ailments stemmed from compensations that were a result of carrying my hips too far forward. He’s helped me fix that, and it’s changed my life. I had to put in the time, and I have to continue to do what’s necessary to keep myself in alignment. But I can’t say enough about what Alan and the Egoscue based postural therapy we did have done for me and others who I have referred to Alan.

Guy I from Guilford


You look younger, what did you do? I improved my posture. The rounding of my back (kyphosis) is gone, I’m standing straighter and my head is positioned more naturally. I can sleep on my stomach for the first time in 20 years and my extended range of motion has allowed me to improve my golf swing. Regular posture exercises for the last two years under Alan Franzi’s direction have made a difference noticeable to others and to me. I only wish I hadn’t waited until experiencing excruciating sciatica pain to get into regular posture therapy. At age 64, after what should have been my usual yard work, I pinched something and became completely debilitated. I slept in a recliner for two weeks and lived with significant pain and a limp for over six months. But the posture exercises with Alan provided immediate help and, over time, full relief along with the many other benefits. Of course, there’s room for further improvement but I continue to make noticeable progress and expect to keep up these exercises indefinitely. It takes a commitment but this improves my well being, which, at any age, is certainly one of the most important investments anyone can make.

P. Long - Guilford, CT - May 2015


Although I have a yoga practice that spans twenty years and a variety of styles, I discover something new and profound every time that I’m in a classroom with Alan Franzi. In our very first session, he spotted patterns in my body that were continually creating discomfort and unease and he gave me exercises to perform daily. I have had a habit of moving in certain poses without using my shoulders–Alan helped me deepen my awareness around this pattern and shift it. The chronic discomfort that I had been experiencing in my wrists disappeared! Moreover, his guidance has helped me bring my posture back into alignment and free myself from previously nagging vertigo, headaches, and a persistent hip misalignment. His teaching is subtle, refined and full of mastery. I eagerly anticipate each and every one of his classes!

K. Giunta - Massage Therapist & Yoga Teacher


Four years ago I had severe knee pain. An orthopedic surgeon told me that I would need both knees replaced within five years if I did not lose weight. Shortly after this appointment, I was told about an Egoscue postural alignment class and decided to try it. After the first session, my knee pain was gone. Alan Franzi the instructor developed a specialized menu of gentle exercises for me to help realign my knees and also to help relieve some lower back pain that I had. I have been working with Alan for the past four years and every month my posture is improving and my knee pain has remained a distant memory.

Nancy B. - North Branford, CT


Alan has enabled me to completely changed my life of chronic pain to a life virtually without pain. Alan helps people to live pain-free lives by showing them how to them to move more functionally through proper alignment.

This is NOT exercise. This is a series of positions to be held in a very specific way, in a very specific order which enable the body to work the way it is supposed to work, the way it would work, if it were properly aligned. So simple, extremely easy to do and unbelievably effective. Alan’s classes are great—and popular!

But even better than Alan’s classes are the one-on-one sessions where Alan will go over your specific pain issues, and prepare a personalized series of exercises (a “menu”) designed directly at relieving your pain. He is patient, he listens, and he gets to the root of the problem. He has never failed to help me — and I have come to him with many issues. I would highly recommend to anyone (and everyone…and I have), that if you are in pain, see Alan Franzi. You can live a life without constant, crippling pain. He’ll help you get there.

Jen P. - Oxford, CT


Before starting my training with Alan I always had a “wobble” to one side when I was skiing. Also my left turn was much weaker than the turn to the right. After 6 lessons I noticed a definite improvement with the left turn being equal to the right. Also the “wobble” was significantly reduced. I am continuing the lessons and working for even more alignment and skiing improvement. The alignment pictures that are part of the lessons are visual confirmation of the changes in posture.

Jerry C. - New Haven, CT


…Aging and a sedentary but difficult job brought on severe pain again in my back and left leg. I retired from work but found I could not do simple tasks (vacuuming) without having to stop and rest several times due to severe pain. This was not how I wanted to live my retirement years!

A friend suggested you and (Posture Therapy) … and I figured … it could only help as I pretty much had pain and difficulty moving most days. I had also promised myself that when I retired I’d “take better care of myself” now that I had time.

All this brought me to you, Alan. You are an incredibly talented individual who addresses the unique exercise needs of your clients. Each person has their own story and their own issues … but … somehow or other, you manage to provide us with such individual attention focusing on our needs. I work in class on exercises knowing that they help for I’ve been PAIN FREE for months now. You constantly monitor all exercises to be sure we “have it right” and will get the full benefit of your work with us. You are truly able to individualize your approach to all levels of ability.

My posture therapy program with you does provide truly individualized exercise “menus” and your follow up for these is remarkable. You’ve never failed to return a phone call if there is a question. Most of all, Alan, I feel safe in knowing you are doing your best with me and my individual problems and also know you do the same for all your clients. You are a truly remarkable person and my thanks for my new pain free living.

We are still working on alignment therapy to help correct other issues but I have faith in you and the program that I will be much better in the future with your constant understanding, caring and wealth of knowledge about the body and what makes it work!

With many thanks and much gratitude for all you do.

Grace C. - Hamden, CT


It is impressive how Alan understands this complex work of the body’s neuromuscular system and is able to translate it to others so that it makes sense. With a history of chronic back pain from overuse injuries, I always feel better after taking Alan’s class or working with him privately and it is with confidence in his expertise that I recommend clients to him – he truly has a gift for this work in corrective exercise and has helped many (including me) move towards pain free living.

Susan D


I was involved with yoga for about 4 years, with a few different instructors, before joining Alan Franzi, Creative Edge Yoga – about 10 years ago. I attended the Kundalini class for about 1 1/2 years and then had to take a leave due to surgery. For whatever reason, after surgery, I experienced severe back problems… not my usual “flare-up” due to a herniated disc that I’ve always been able to manage with chiropractor help, but a horrible pain in the SI joint area. I am not one to let pain take over my daily routines, but this problem stopped me in my tracks. After a year of being under the care of many different types of medical therapy – chiropractor, orthopedic doctors, neurosurgeon, and injections (4 times) and a type of ultrasound pain therapy. I began one-on-one alignment therapy (Egoscue) sessions with Alan. I was at the point that I didn’t think anything would give me the relief I was so looking for, but was willing to try anything. I remember thinking that if I was this disabled at 55 what would I be like at 65… I really did not think I could tolerate the pain and discomfort of just normal day-to-day existence. The “alignment therapy” with Alan literally gave me my life back. I learned that it wasn’t only about the SI joint pain, but how and why my overall spine/posture alignment affected the overall problem. I have been back to “normal” exercising along with yoga and Kundalini practice for over 5 years now. I will have on and off again symptoms, but am able to keep them under control by working the Egoscue methods and taking Alan’s advice. I do believe that he has been the reason for my success. I would recommend his therapy procedures to anyone with any kind of discomfort or pain – in any area of the body.

Cheryl Livingston - Guilford, CT


I am so grateful to have been introduced to Yoga posture work under the instruction of Alan Franzi. His commitment to the practice, unique insight, and genuine care has opened up a new world for me in the continual maintenance of this fifty year old body. As a young adult, keeping fit meant many hours at the gym with cardio and heavy weights. In my late thirties I began to have serious lower back pain that would come and go. At the age of forty, migraines began. Aware of the need to keep active, I was equally aware that something had to change in the way I approached fitness. Pain was my body’s way of telling me something was wrong. The underlying root issue of poor posture and the stress it placed on my body leading to its dysfunction was what had been overlooked. Alan’s approach to posture Yoga work is balanced and effective. It works deeply, little by little through subtle changes and awareness to untangle what years of wrong habits had accomplished. The migraines have diminished in intensity and my lower back is beginning to have more mobility. Alan’s insight into the mechanics of the body, why it gets misaligned, and how to facilitate it in order to restore function, is clear and full of common sense. I am truly grateful to him and hopeful for the years ahead full of good health and mobility!!

Lisa T. - Bethany, CT


I have always been an active person who enjoyed sports as well as a variety of outdoor activities. I was drawn to yoga about 5 years ago thinking that it would improve my flexibility for activities such as sea kayaking, rock climbing and basketball. During the early stages of my yoga practice Alan was excellent in clearly demonstrating and explaining the correct way to perform the poses. The minor corrections to the poses that Alan made during class greatly helped me to refine and get the most out of the poses. I have found that yoga not only has improved my flexibility but also provided very valuable core and overall strength. Yoga resulted in my ability to move easier as well as an increased body awareness that enhanced my ability to perform other activities at a higher level. I plan on continuing to take classes with Alan and outside of class I try to do yoga at home. Overall, my yoga practice has become a part of my life that I hope to continue for a long time. I would recommend pursuing yoga and highly recommend taking a class with Alan.

Ron G. - Guilford, CT


In the Fall of 1985, the postman delivered a Branford Education Continuing Education brochure. I had seen one many times before, but this time was different. Somewhere in the middle of the catalogue, in the “self-improvement” section – an evening yoga class caught my attention. It sounded interesting, so I decided to enroll. For some time, I had wanted to explore this discipline. I hoped it would become my new favorite exercise routine. With excitement and anticipation, I attended that first class and began a “love affair” with the practice of yoga. At that moment, I met an amazing instructor, Alan Franzi.

Since that time, almost 16 years later, Alan continues to create a unique yoga practice that is challenging and expertly crafted with an intuitive coaching style that imparts his expertise with encouragement and support. He carefully explains the purpose of every pose, and gives personal attention to each student helping them realize personal goals and experience the benefits of yoga. Alan emphasizes the importance of recognizing and respecting individual limitations to prevent injury and maximize the development of strength and balance.

Through the years, with Alan’s help and support, I have learned to manage some serious physical challenges and emotional stress. Every week I look forward to a terrific workout and a meditative escape from my every day routine. When the mind and body achieve balance – there is a sense of wellness and well-being….and that is truly remarkable. I have Alan to thank for that experience…and I do!

Leslie G. - Branford, CT


The most remarkable value I find from my yoga experience with Alan Franzi is Alan Franzi himself. There is something truly extraordinary about a teacher who actually connects with every single person as they walk into the room. He has the ability to quickly assess the mood of the group and more importantly, your own demeanor to target the yoga practice for that day. From day one, my yoga experience with Alan has been truly special. In a world where one is so often overwhelmed with work and family obligations, Alan Franzi’s Creative Edge Yoga is a 1 hour and 15 minute experience that is all your own and just may change your life. It certainly has changed mine.

Marcia Bird - Clinton, CT


I have attended other yoga classes but find that Alan’s are by far THE BEST! His classes are highly beneficial for increasing flexibility, gaining strength, stress relief and overall well being, the reasons why I have consistently attended each session for the past 5 years. The strength I have gained physically and mentally is what drives me to keep practicing. At the end of each class I always feel relaxed, mentally refreshed, physically stronger and completely stretched out. I find that his classes are especially helpful for stretching out the muscles in my lower back. He asks for requests at the start of each class. When my back is tight he provides a series of exercises to help alleviate this. And it works!

I highly recommend Creative Edge Yoga for beginners and more advanced students. The small class sizes make it possible to receive individual instruction on proper form in a non-intimidating peaceful setting. It’s almost like having your own yoga tutor!

Eileen H. - Guilford, CT


As an older member of Alan’s yoga class, I want to say that I would not be in as good condition as I am today, without the yoga techniques I have learned and practiced. Al has guided me to remain flexible and relatively pain free for many years. As physical events, small and large, have developed for me, I always count on Al for the correct way to support my healing. Besides, his classes are always fun. He has a spiritual quality that is calming. I have practiced hatha yoga for at least 23 years with Al so I consider myself an expert in knowing the value of Alan Franzi.

Marcia J. - Orange, CT

These are anecdotal testimonials from our clients. Results may vary.